- Honesty
- Respect
- Equality
- Leadership
- Trust
- Community
- Inspiring Others
why our group is important
Need a landing page built Brings people together, gives young people a voice and takes us away from other problems.
core concern
Our core concern is geared towards addressing the issue of sectarianism within our communities; an objective to which we remain committed.
Commitment to a shared future
This group have developed this charter to assist in the personal development of ourselves and the development of our associated communities within the expression of a shared future. We see sharing on a human and relationship level as necessary to building that shared future.
what becoming involved does for our members
Opens your eyes, gives a realisation of others, opens doors into friendship and uses the medium of sport to build good relations in Lower North Belfast area.
our core values
Anti-sectarianism, Equality, Friendship, Trust, Engagement, Community, Active Citizenship.
Providing leadership
Our group currently takes a leadership role within these communities and wants to widen our leadership capacity so that we can inspire both our peers and the upcoming generation towards creating a space for enhanced engagement, on both a personal and community basis. We firmly believe that within this agenda to inspire, that creating a platform for the development of a representative youth voice remains a core consideration.

Limestone United was founded in 2011 by Brian Caskey as a means to bring together the divided community of the Limestone Road through sport.

Based on the limestone road
The Limestone Road is home to our club. The concept of cross-community runs deep in this area. During the early – mid 1900’s, people from all backgrounds would travel together through the Limestone Road to their workplaces. Many of these people worked in the shipyards of Belfast.
3 leaders
12 community champions
Currently, we have 3 team leaders along with 12 community champions representing Limestone United.
Their commitment drives this community closer towards and integrated community
Brian founded Limestone United in 2011 as a way of bringing together the divided community of the Limestone Road.
Having retired, Brian was aware of the community divisions caused by The Troubles and seeked to reconcile this community.
Over the last few years, Brian has played a major part in bringing two sides together to create one team under a shared name.
Having retired, Brian was aware of the community divisions caused by The Troubles and seeked to reconcile this community.
Over the last few years, Brian has played a major part in bringing two sides together to create one team under a shared name.

Brian Caskey
Se Gormley has been with Limestone United cross community project for over 6 years after starting with the juniors project . From an early stage it was clear to see his enthusiasm for getting involved in good relations activity. Eventually Se progressed into the senior set up and to his credit he has become a Limestone United community champion.
Se has shown leadership skills and is now supporting the next generation of young people to help them make positive life choices and to avoid negative interface activity.
Se in his role continues to help make his community safer and has played a key role in developing our Limestone United ladies project.
We are privileged to have Se as a community champion as he continues his personal development journey.
Se has shown leadership skills and is now supporting the next generation of young people to help them make positive life choices and to avoid negative interface activity.
Se in his role continues to help make his community safer and has played a key role in developing our Limestone United ladies project.
We are privileged to have Se as a community champion as he continues his personal development journey.

Se Gormley